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African Serval at
GarLyn Zoo Wildlife Park


African Serval at GarLyn Zoo   African Serval at GarLyn Zoo   African Serval at GarLyn Zoo

We have a pair of seral. They are a smaller cat weighing up to 40 pounds. They are found in sub-Saharan countries, where it inhabits grasslands, wetlands, moorlands and bamboo thickets. This encompasses much of Africa south of the Sahara desert. They are often confused as cheetah here at the zoo when kids first see them. They are one of the best hunters as far as kill rates of any of the cats. They can leap over 10 feet in the air to snag a bird  out of mid flight.

African Serval at GarLyn Zoo      African Serval at GarLyn Zoo   African Serval at GarLyn Zoo   



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