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Ratite at

GarLyn Zoo Wildlife Park


Ratite  -  Emu and Ostrich


 Pair of Emu with egg at GarLyn Zoo

Pair of Emu with freshly laid egg

Both Emu and Rhea can be seen at the zoo. These are both members of the flightless birds called ratite. Emu are from Australia and Rhea are from South America.


 Emu at GarLyn Zoo   3 young emu at GarLyn Zoo   Day old emu at GarLyn ZooEmu from Australia


 Emu at GarLyn Zoo


 Emu and babies at GarLyn Zoo  Compare Emu and Chicken Egg at GarLyn Zoo   Emu eggs at GarLyn Zoo
Emu egg next to chicken egg

 Ostrich at GarLyn Zoo 


 Ostrich at GarLyn Zoo  Ostrich at GarLyn Zoo   ostrich at GarLyn Zoo
Ostrich from Africa

Click on the link below to hear some animal sounds at the zoo
Animal Sounds