Domestic Animals at GarLyn Zoo Wildlife Park


 Miniature Donkey at GarLyn Zoo    Potbellied Pigs at GarLyn Zoo


You will find many domestic at GarLyn Zoological Park. African Pygmy Goat, Potbellied Pigs, Llama, Miniature Donkey, and more. Feed can be purchased to hand feed some of them. All of the different animals have their own special requirements as far as feed and care, but most are relatively easy to keep and care for.

If your local zoning laws allow them and you have adequate area and time they make a great project for young people to learn some responsibility as well as get a feel for the rewards of hard work.


Baby Llama a month or two old
Baby Llama

Click on the link below to hear some animal sounds at the zoo
Animal Sounds