Dromedary Camel GarLyn Zoo



Baby Dromedary Camel   3 month old Dromidary Camel


Dromedary Camel (1 hump) Bactrian Camel (2 humps).

     At GarLyn Zoological Park we have the Dromedary Camel and pictured above is Achmed. In this picture he is about 6 months old and extremely gentle. We got him in August of 2007 at about 6 weeks old. Camel will eat or at least chew on almost anything, so what ever you want to keep, make sure it's out of their reach. Camel are desert animals and do very well on poor rations.


 Dromedary Camel at GarLyn Zoo   Dromedary Camel at GarLyn Zoo   Dromedary Camel at GarLyn Zoo


     It takes about 3 or 4 years before camels are mature enough for breeding and after about 2 years old you can start to ride them.


We lost our first camel Tricksee in May of 2006. She was a great camel and missed by many.
You can
CLICK HERE to see her page.

Click on the link below to hear some animal sounds at the zoo
Animal Sounds











Gary is a Member of :  
ZAA (Zoological Assosiation of America) 
AZA (Assosiation of Zoos and Aquariums) © 2024 Garlyn Zoo Wildlife Park, Inc.